
Dr. Anjali Agrawal

“It all started with a cold.”


Dr. Anjali was pursuing her life-long dream of going into healthcare by entering the pre-med program at UCSD. After her Freshman Year, she returned home for the summer and started looking for a summer job. Through some coincidental events, Dr. Anjali started working for a Chiropractor as a Receptionist and started receiving chiropractic adjustments. Prior to this job, Dr. Anjali actually had no idea that Chiropractors were even involved with healthcare, but quickly developed an interest in this holistic whole-body approach. One morning when Dr. Anjali was supposed to go to work, she woke up with some very sniffles. She called her boss to inform her, and the Chiropractor asked her to come in for an adjustment, and then she could go home. Dr. Anjali went to get her adjustment, and as if by magic, by the time she walked back out to her car, her sniffles were gone and she felt great!

Even though she had seen many patients having marked improvement in their health, Dr. Anjali's own experience with the effectiveness of the adjustment with her cold was the catalyst for ultimately pursuing a career in Chiropractic.

Dr. Anjali started with a passion for working with families to help them conceive and providing holistic prenatal and postnatal care, as well as working with newborns and children of all ages.

Over the last nearly 10 years, her passion has widened and she now continues to help families locally as well as entrepreneurs and corporate businesses around the world.

“My biggest passion is to help others move well, eat well, and live well.”


Dr. Anjali Agrawal's ultimate purpose for growing and expanding her online wellness business and chiropractic practice is deeply rooted in her family, comprising her husband and two young daughters.

Motivated by a desire to provide a better life for her loved ones, Dr. Anjali has embarked on a journey driven by a passion for holistic healthcare. Her initial introduction to chiropractic care, through a serendipitous summer job, ignited a newfound fascination with its whole-body approach. This transformative experience, coupled with the profound impact it had on her own health, solidified her commitment to sharing the benefits of chiropractic care with others.

As she navigates the path of entrepreneurship and builds her online presence, Dr. Anjali remains steadfast in her dedication to not only her professional growth but also to creating a legacy of well-being for her family and community.

Through her endeavors, she seeks to inspire others to prioritize their health and nurture their bodies, echoing the values she holds dear within her own family.

Dr. Anjali extends an abundance of gratitude to her family for steadfast support of Back in Balance Health. Their dedication fuels her passion for holistic wellness.

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pregnant women holding a positive pregnancy stick

Beyond Common Pregnancy Symptoms: Understanding and Managing Prenatal Gingivitis

July 18, 20243 min read

a pregnant women holding a pregnancy test stick

Beyond Common Pregnancy Symptoms: Understanding and Managing Prenatal Gingivitis

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but it also brings with it a host of symptoms that many women come to expect as part and parcel of the journey. From morning sickness to sciatica, these symptoms are widely discussed and anticipated. However, lesser-known conditions like pregnancy gingivitis, or 'pink toothbrush syndrome,' affect a significant number of expectant mothers, often going unaddressed.

In this blog post, we delve into the common yet overlooked symptoms of pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of holistic health approaches to alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being during this transformative period.

Unpacking the Common Symptoms of Pregnancy

When we discuss pregnancy, several symptoms immediately come to mind, such as morning sickness, fatigue, food cravings and aversions, sciatica, heartburn, and low back pain. These are often considered part and parcel of the pregnancy journey.

Introducing Pregnancy Gingivitis: The Pink Toothbrush Syndrome

However, one less talked about but fairly common condition during pregnancy is pregnancy gingivitis, or as it's colloquially known, the pink toothbrush syndrome. Surprisingly, 60-75% of women may experience prenatal gingivitis, characterized by gum sensitivity and bleeding during brushing or flossing. But why is this condition so prevalent during pregnancy?

The Hormonal Connection

The root cause lies in the body's hormonal fluctuations. The increased levels of progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy enhance blood flow to the mucus membranes, heightening sensitivity to plaque bacteria, and often leading to gingivitis.

A Case Study: Addressing Gingivitis Holistically

A practice member, in the first trimester of her third pregnancy, presented with fatigue and lightheadedness. On delving deeper, we discussed her dental hygiene, and she mentioned experiencing gum bleeding, a symptom she had been informed was normal during pregnancy. This opened the door to a holistic approach to her care.

Holistic Interventions: Chiropractic Care and Nutritional Support

We embarked on a regimen that included chiropractic adjustments and a comprehensive nutrition evaluation, focusing on supporting her endocrine system and improving digestion. Remarkably, within just two weeks, her symptoms, including the gum bleeding, lightheadedness, and fatigue, had significantly diminished.

Rethinking "Normal" Prenatal Symptoms

This experience underscores an essential message: while certain symptoms may be common during pregnancy, they are not necessarily normal. Symptoms are your body's way of signaling an imbalance.

Seeking Holistic Care During Pregnancy

If you're experiencing any prenatal symptoms you believe to be "just part of pregnancy," it's crucial to reconsider. Holistic approaches, including chiropractic care and nutritional adjustments, can offer significant relief and improve your overall well-being during this critical time.

Take the Next Step Towards Balanced Health

Are you ready to explore holistic solutions for your prenatal symptoms? Don't settle for discomfort as your norm. Reach out for a complimentary discovery call, and let's work together to achieve a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy.

Need Help With Your Health During Pregnancy?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is important in establishing balance in the mother's pelvis. Dr. Anjali provides care specifically for fertility and pregnancy wellness with chiropractic and nutrition. Dr. Anjali is also certified in the Webster technique.. Schedule an appointment here!

chiropractic careholistic health pregnancy gingivitis pink toothbrush prenatal care pink toothbrush syndromeintegrative medicinenatural remedies hormonal changes women's health pregnancy wellness pregnancy symptomspregnancy nutritionprenatal chiropracticgum health oral care during pregnancy pregnancy complications pregnancy fatigue
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Dr. Anjali Agrawal's ultimate purpose for growing and expanding her online wellness business and chiropractic practice is deeply rooted in her family, comprising her husband and two young daughters.

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I brought my daughter when she was just 10 days old to see Dr. Agrawal for help with latching. My husband and I were at our wits end, so our doula suggested that we see Dr. Agrawal. Within hours it was like we had a new daughter.


I came to see Dr. Anjali for some sudden, very intense back pain. My mother-in-law has been seeing Dr. Anjali for years and I finally got to experience the low force approach to chiropractic that my MIL has been raving about. I feel so much better, and I feel like there’s hope for me to live pain-free!


I feel human again! I’m able to sleep much more deeply at night and I am forgetting that I had pain even one week ago.


949 Sherwood Ave. #100 Los Altos, CA


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Back in Balance Health - Dr. Anjali Agrawal - Move Well, Eat Well, Live Well - Bay Area Chiropractor and Functional Medicine Practitioner

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