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Are you wanting to get pregnant or expecting a little one? Get out free checklist today. This Ultimate Fertility and Pregnancy Checklist gives you everything you need to know for optimized health.

Are you wanting to get pregnant or expecting a little one? Get out free checklist today. This Ultimate Fertility and Pregnancy Checklist gives you everything you need to know for optimized health.

Do you ever feel stiff and sore from sitting all day? If so, download our printable bookmark and walk through the 10 point ergonomic checklist to help you get back in balance from anywhere!

a blue eye and words: Embrace Digital Wellness: The 20-20-20 Stretch for Eye Health

Embrace Digital Wellness: The 20-20-20 Stretch for Eye Health

May 17, 20242 min read

In our modern world, where screens are an integral part of daily life, it's easy to lose track of how long we've been staring at our digital devices. If you've been gazing at your computer or phone screen for more than 20 minutes, it's time for a beneficial break—the 20-20-20 stretch.

Discover the 20-20-20 Magic Formula

The 20-20-20 rule is a simple yet powerful way to reduce eye strain and promote digital wellness. But what exactly does it entail?

The Basics of the 20-20-20 Stretch

  • Every 20 minutes: Take a moment to look away from your screen.

  • Look 20 feet away: Focus on an object at least 20 feet in the distance.

  • For 20 seconds: Maintain your gaze for a full 20 seconds.

This practice encourages us to divert our attention from our screens and give our eyes a necessary rest.

mbrace Digital Wellness_ The 20-20-20 Stretch for Eye Health by Back In Balance Health

Why the 20-20-20 Stretch Matters

As a chiropractor focused on holistic wellness, I understand the importance of caring for our eyes in our screen-saturated environment. Our eyes are not designed for extended periods of close-up focus, such as reading text on a screen. Implementing the 20-20-20 stretch into your routine can help mitigate eye strain and foster healthier work habits.

A Mini Wellness Ritual

Think of the 20-20-20 stretch as more than just an eye health exercise—it's a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your surroundings. Whether you're looking out at nature, a distant object, or simply a plant in your room, this practice serves as a gentle reminder to step away from our digital lives and appreciate the world around us.

Join the Digital Wellness Movement

I invite you to join me in making the 20-20-20 stretch a part of your daily routine. It's a small step that can lead to significant improvements in your eye health and overall well-being.

Share this practice with friends, family, and colleagues to spread awareness about the importance of digital wellness. And if you've already tried the 20-20-20 stretch,

I'd love to hear about your experiences. Let's continue the conversation in the comments below and make digital wellness a collective goal.

Join Our YouTube Channel

Join our YouTube channel where we help families move well, eat well, and live well!

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a blue eye and words: Embrace Digital Wellness: The 20-20-20 Stretch for Eye Health

Embrace Digital Wellness: The 20-20-20 Stretch for Eye Health

May 17, 20242 min read

In our modern world, where screens are an integral part of daily life, it's easy to lose track of how long we've been staring at our digital devices. If you've been gazing at your computer or phone screen for more than 20 minutes, it's time for a beneficial break—the 20-20-20 stretch.

Discover the 20-20-20 Magic Formula

The 20-20-20 rule is a simple yet powerful way to reduce eye strain and promote digital wellness. But what exactly does it entail?

The Basics of the 20-20-20 Stretch

  • Every 20 minutes: Take a moment to look away from your screen.

  • Look 20 feet away: Focus on an object at least 20 feet in the distance.

  • For 20 seconds: Maintain your gaze for a full 20 seconds.

This practice encourages us to divert our attention from our screens and give our eyes a necessary rest.

mbrace Digital Wellness_ The 20-20-20 Stretch for Eye Health by Back In Balance Health

Why the 20-20-20 Stretch Matters

As a chiropractor focused on holistic wellness, I understand the importance of caring for our eyes in our screen-saturated environment. Our eyes are not designed for extended periods of close-up focus, such as reading text on a screen. Implementing the 20-20-20 stretch into your routine can help mitigate eye strain and foster healthier work habits.

A Mini Wellness Ritual

Think of the 20-20-20 stretch as more than just an eye health exercise—it's a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your surroundings. Whether you're looking out at nature, a distant object, or simply a plant in your room, this practice serves as a gentle reminder to step away from our digital lives and appreciate the world around us.

Join the Digital Wellness Movement

I invite you to join me in making the 20-20-20 stretch a part of your daily routine. It's a small step that can lead to significant improvements in your eye health and overall well-being.

Share this practice with friends, family, and colleagues to spread awareness about the importance of digital wellness. And if you've already tried the 20-20-20 stretch,

I'd love to hear about your experiences. Let's continue the conversation in the comments below and make digital wellness a collective goal.

Join Our YouTube Channel

Join our YouTube channel where we help families move well, eat well, and live well!

20-20-20 rule eye straineye strain reliefdigital eye straincomputer eye strain20-20-20 ruleeye exercisesdigital wellnesseye health tipseye care
blog author image

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Back in Balance Health - Dr. Anjali Agrawal - Move Well, Eat Well, Live Well - Bay Area Chiropractor and Functional Medicine Practitioner

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