Dr. Anjali of Back in Balance has a magnifying glass

Functional Medicine for Eczema: My Experience & How It Can Help

July 11, 20243 min read

Dr. Anjali of Back in Balance in a white shirt folding her arms

Functional Medicine for Eczema: My Experience & How It Can Help

Let's talk about how I even entered this world of functional medicine to begin with. I have dealt with eczema for as long as I can remember. The itching, scratching, and discomfort were constant companions throughout my life. One vivid memory is from second grade when I had chicken pox and couldn't resist the urge to scratch everywhere.

Despite my mom's pleas to stop itching, I couldn't help myself. I’m not sure whether my eczema became noticeable before or after chicken pox. Still, there were numerous times when I had really itchy patches, particularly in the creases of my elbows and behind my knees. Nothing could deter me from scratching, not even the warnings about potential skin damage and scarring.

Seeking Solutions

When I was about 14 or 15, I sought help from a few different practitioners. The universal response was to apply cortisone cream, which didn't sit well with me. The idea of putting a steroid on my body every day for the rest of my life wasn't something I could accept. I wanted more than just a quick fix; I craved an understanding of why I was experiencing eczema and what else I could do about it.

Discovering Functional Medicine

I went through high school, undergraduate studies, and chiropractic school, where I was also introduced to nutrition. Despite my interest, I focused on pediatric and prenatal care during chiropractic school. After graduation, while looking for my first job, I found an associate position in what would eventually become my own office. The chiropractor I worked with practiced functional medicine and nutrition, which gave me firsthand exposure to its clinical application.

My Health Journey

My colleague and I discussed my own health issues, including eczema and sugar cravings. We delved into digestion, health, nutrition, absorption, and evaluated my body's condition. Despite my skepticism, I followed her recommendations for food modifications and supplements. To my surprise, within a week, my sugar cravings significantly decreased, and within a month, the itching reduced, and my skin began to improve.

The Power of Functional Medicine

This personal experience was transformative. I witnessed the power of functional medicine firsthand—how modifying my diet and taking tailored supplements could address seemingly long-standing health issues. As I transitioned to take over the practice, I stepped into the realm of functional medicine to help others with similar issues.

Working with both the functional and structural aspects of the body made a significant difference. Combining spinal alignment with functional healthcare allowed my body to start healing. It's incredibly rewarding to help others, especially those suffering from conditions like eczema, which I had experienced for so long.

Connecting With You

If you're struggling with skin issues or other health concerns and are looking for a holistic approach, I would love to connect with you. Understanding the root causes and making informed choices about your health c an lead to significant improvements. Let's work together to find solutions and improve your well-being.

Core Values at My Practice

  • Optimal Health: Helping women achieve their best physical and emotional well-being during and beyond pregnancy.

  • Holistic Approach: Connecting mind, body, and lifestyle impacts on overall health.

  • Personalized Care: Tailored solutions for each woman's unique needs.

  • Proactive Wellness: Emphasizing preventative care and informed, healthy choices.

  • Patient Empowerment: Providing women with the knowledge and tools to advocate for their own health.

Functional medicine has truly been a game-changer for me, and I'm passionate about sharing this approach to help others. If this resonates with you, please reach out—we're in this journey towards better health together.

Dr. Anjali Agrawal's ultimate purpose for growing and expanding her online wellness business and chiropractic practice is deeply rooted in her family, comprising her husband and two young daughters.


Dr. Anjali Agrawal's ultimate purpose for growing and expanding her online wellness business and chiropractic practice is deeply rooted in her family, comprising her husband and two young daughters.

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