image of a bathroom with the toilet as the focus by Dr. Anjali Agrawal of Back in Balance

The Taboo Topic: How to Achieve Optimal Digestion for Vibrant Health

September 26, 20243 min read

When was the last time you were hanging out with friends or at a party, and the topic of digestion came up?  It's likely never, right? The subject of digestion and our bowel movements is often considered taboo, a topic many of us avoid discussing, even with our closest friends. However, understanding digestion is crucial for overall health, and it's time we shed some light on this important subject.

In functional medicine, digestion is a daily topic of conversation because it’s essential for optimal health. Often, we don't think about it unless there’s a significant issue. But even if you’re dealing with some discomforts, it often needs to be severe before people are willing to talk about it openly. Today, let's break the silence and delve into what optimal digestion should look like and how you can achieve it.

What Does Optimal Digestion Look Like?

So, what exactly should optimal digestion look like in terms of bowel movement frequency? Any guesses? You might be surprised to learn that in an ideal situation, you should have one bowel movement for every meal you consume. Yes, this can seem like a lot compared to what you might currently experience, but it's a good indicator of a well-functioning digestive system.

From the onset of eating solid foods into adulthood, the frequency, quality, and ease of bowel movements play a significant role in our overall well-being. Let's explore some of the key aspects:


As mentioned, the ideal frequency is one bowel movement per meal. This means your digestive system is efficiently processing and eliminating waste.


The quality of your bowel movements matters. Ideally, they should resemble a banana in size, shape, and consistency. If they look more like rabbit pellets, are too soft, or aren't well-formed, it's a sign that your digestion isn’t functioning optimally.

Ease of Passing

The process of having a bowel movement should be quick and effortless. You shouldn't have to strain, nor should it take an extended amount of time. It should be clean and straightforward, not requiring half a roll of toilet paper each time.

Improving Your Digestion

If your digestion could use some help, don't despair. Making improvements is quite straightforward with the right knowledge and tools. Here are some practical tips for optimizing your digestive health:

Balanced Diet

Consume a balanced diet rich in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. These help keep your digestive system moving.


Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining smooth digestion.

Regular Exercise

Incorporating regular physical activity can help keep things moving through your digestive tract.

Mindful Eating

Take your time to eat and chew your food properly. This helps your digestive system process your meals more efficiently.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals and establish a routine that supports your digestive health, including regular bathroom breaks.

For those looking to take a more comprehensive approach to their health and wellness, consider checking out our new course titled "Move Well, Eat Well, Live Well." This course is designed to provide you with all the information and tools you need to optimize your health and well-being. Just click the link below to get started.

Bottom Line

Talking about digestion doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or embarrassing. By understanding and taking proactive steps to support your digestive health, you can significantly enhance your overall well-being. Remember to eat well, stay hydrated, exercise, and seek knowledge to empower yourself. Here's to your optimal health and well-being!

For more detailed insights and resources, make sure to explore our comprehensive health course. Your journey to better health starts with informed and proactive choices. Thanks for reading!

Get Your Gut in Gear: The Secret to Optimal Health Starts Here

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of optimal health and well-being? Join our "Move Well, Eat Well, Live Well" course and discover how to transform your life from the inside out. It's time to break the silence on digestion and take charge of your health. Learn more and embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you!

Dr. Anjali Agrawal's ultimate purpose for growing and expanding her online wellness business and chiropractic practice is deeply rooted in her family, comprising her husband and two young daughters.


Dr. Anjali Agrawal's ultimate purpose for growing and expanding her online wellness business and chiropractic practice is deeply rooted in her family, comprising her husband and two young daughters.

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